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Starkville, MS 39760

CyberComm Marketing, LLC was started in 1999 with 1 directory.
We now have over 500 online directories. & and 100's more.
We only list one business in each city.
Social Media & Custom Email Accounts

Phone: view phone1.888.841.9487

CyberCommMarketing,LLC offers the following products and/or services:
» Internet Services (2)

CyberComm Marketing, LLC was started in 1999 with one online directory
that offered an internet presence to local businesses.

CyberComm now has over 500 online directories
that tell people exactly what you do for a living. From WeRentPonies & WeFixWindshields, to WeKillBugs &, we’ve got your business covered. We currently have clients in 46 states, as well as Canada, New Zealand, & Australia.

We only list one business in each city
What advantage do you have when every competitor in town is listed beside you?
Other directories list every business in town. We want to be YOUR internet marketing partner.
Your competition down the street will have to find someone else to help them.

We use Social Media to help give your business more exposure
We will blog about your business on
We have over 200 twitter accounts that can help your business get more exposure.
Our Twitter accounts are posted on thousands of web pages thru out our network.
To see how many web pages each twitter account is currently posted on Click Here

We give you a personalized E-Mail address
You get an email address that tells people EXACTLY what you do, and it's a lot easier to remember.
If you have a website that matches the name of your business,
and you don't have your own business email address, please talk to us about it.

The incoming links to your existing website
from your listing on our directory will help it show up better on the search engines.

We all know that the best advertising is "word of mouth".
We also know that repeat customers are the best way to build a business,
but in order for that to happen they have to find you the first time!

We can help you utilize the Internet
in an effective manner and it won't bust your budget.

Most small business owners don't have time to learn about websites, twitter, search engines,
or what a cloud is, and how it affects them and their business. Let Us Do It for You!!

We offer an internet marketing program that involves basic marketing fundamentals, internet advertising and social media marketing. If this program works you can stay on it. If you don't think we're worth it, get off. But at least you have the option. There are more than a few businesses out there that wish they had found us before their competition did, but because somebody beat 'em to it, they can't get on board. The best thing about our program is the risk involved. The cost shouldn’t prohibit you from giving us a chance to see if we can help your business. You can try this out on a month to month basis, and cancel anytime.

Call (662) 324-3545 or 1.888.841.9487 for more info


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